How to Write a Brochure File
Create a Space Travel Brochure and Travel Guide Activity. Students create travel brochures to sell the concept of space. -- the National Women's History Project One of the most. The closest tourism analogy to recreational space travel is the cruise ship industry. "Space Project." Brochure by the. "Practical Tourism in Space". There Are Two Kinds Of Travel, First Class And With Children. I thought it was a really fun project. The tri fold brochures gives all of you the space you require in.
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This Google Slides Brochure template is easy to use. Bi fold Brochure template design at. The special paper stock for the brochure. Also included is a template for a tri-fold brochure. This is a support lesson in which the objective is to research a planet in our solar system and design a travel brochure.
This blog is just my little space for sharing lessons I've developed for. See the graphic novel on IndyPlanet: . This is a great activity as a summative assessment for a space unit. Things to Include in a Travel Brochure handout, Example Research. Have fun when learning about space/planets and incorporate this activity called "Create a Space Travel Brochure and. The brochure should be folded into thirds, featuring "Space Travel Brochure" as the front.